Your Results: Struggling
Thank you for taking the Reputation Score Quiz.
From your results, I’d say you’re working hard and you’d like to attract more opportunities to you, understand how to nurture your reputation so that you’re prepared to move forward when those opportunities come along. Remember, you don’t have to do this alone and here are some tips to get you started:
Here are my top 3 recommendations to gain clarity on the Responsible element of reputation:
- Identify and be consistent in your approach to what you say and do.
- Understand and be clear about where and how you want to show up – and why.
- Stay aligned to your personal and business values and how you demonstrate them in your behaviours.
Here are my top 3 recommendations for developing the ethical element of reputation:
- Be clear about your values and support them with action
- Hold yourself accountable for your ethics
- Consistently use your ethics as your guide to making decisions
We’re all different and preparation isn’t easy for everyone, I realise that. But – research shows that when you’re prepared to respond to opportunities such as clients, meetings, speaker invitations, media and crisis you will build and maintain a good reputation. Your score indicates you would benefit from a bit more time spent on prep. Being prepared will help you anticipate needs and achieve what you want from the opportunity.
Here are my top 3 recommendations for being well-prepared:
- Always know why you’re there! Whether it’s a meeting, a networking opportunity, an interview – whatever the occasion – always know what will make it successful for you.
- Plan! For some people, planning makes them want to run for the hills. Come back! Opportunities are increased by planning and so is your confidence. Risk is decreased.
- Always know your audience. Know your personality style and flex your style to fit to improve rapport. That means do a bit of research into who you’re meeting, writing for or showing up to.
Trust takes a while to build and is the cornerstone of reputation. It’s a key component of any healthy relationship. Spend some extra time focusing on increasing trust. When trust in you is high, opportunities will increase along with referrals for your expertise.
Here are my top 3 recommendations for building trust:
- Do what you say you’re going to do and honour your commitments
- Be respectful, truthful, honest – and kind – even when it’s tough.
- Listen actively – quiet your mind. Avoid thinking of your questions and just be present.
Your reputation will improve when you are clear about the opportunities you are looking for and how they support your reputation. We love it when opportunities come along and we can be quick to respond to everything. Sometimes the fit isn’t right. Be clear about the fit with your career or business. When you are you’ll respond with purpose and your visibility and trust will increase. Your quiz score tells me your reputation would benefit from focusing on the opportunity element of reputation.
Here are my top 3 recommendations for increasing opportunities:
- Be clear about what opportunities you want to attract and why
- Know what success looks like for that opportunity
- Communicate clearly about opportunities you are interested in to people who can help
A good reputation is invaluable and creating a nurturing environment for your reputation to grow is crucial to your success. When you know what you need to be at your best you will increase your confidence, know your value and communicate it with ease. People will want to work with you because they will know where they stand with you. Your trust factor will increase along with your knowledge and reputation.
Your reputation score shows your reputation would grow by focusing more on the nurture element of reputation.
Here are my top 3 recommendations for a nurturing environment:
- Be aware of what drains you and energises you. You know the signs. Take action to spend time doing what energises you.
- Spend quality time with people who have the same goals and aspirations as you do. They are as motivated and focused as you are.
- Evaluate what you listen to and read. How does it help you develop?
Next Steps:
From your score results, I can tell you are struggling in some key areas. If you’re thinking about making a change or maybe you’re stuck – let’s talk and identify some easy things you can do to create quick wins and build your reputation to increase your success.
There’s no charge to you. No obligation and I guarantee you’ll learn something new.
To set up your free 30-minute reputation review
Email me at: