Quiz Copy – Do Not Touch! by FRLwebsites | May 3, 2024 Your reputation matters. What’s your reputation score? This quiz will take less than 5 minutes. It’s fun and it’s free! Answer the 8 questions and receive your reputation score immediately. Your reputation will be assessed, and you’ll receive tips on how to build it. Identify ways to build your reputation. You’ll receive tips you can implement immediately to build your reputation. Name Email 1. How important are your values? I’ve never explored my values and what they mean to me. I know my values but I don't really think about them. My values play a big/key role in my professional and personal relationships. I live and stay true to my values every day. None 2. How often do you feel things are going your way? Rarely. I struggle to get ahead and I'm not sure why. I feel as if I do the right things but I don't know why the outcomes aren't better. Most of the time, but there are some things that if I made a bit more effort could be better. I'm action orientated and I get on with what needs to be done to make sure stuff turns out the way I want it to. None 3. You have committed to deliver a piece of work by a deadline and it looks like you’re going to miss it. What do you do? I don’t like deadlines and try not to do work like that. I keep working until I’ve finished and then let my client/colleague know. I dread contacting my client/colleague and leave it as late as I can. I manage the deadline by staying in contact with my client/colleague to manage expectations. None 4. Are you seen as an expert? I’m not sure many people know what I do. I think my clients/colleagues think I’m an expert but nobody else knows what I’m good at. A few people know what I’m good at but I’m not good at talking about it. People recognise my expertise and listen to me. None 5. How often do opportunities come your way? Rarely and I’m not sure how to attract more opportunities to me. Not as often as I’d like and I’m working on it. More opportunities are coming my way but not the right one’s. I’m getting lots of opportunities in most areas I want to work in. None 6. When a client or colleague is sharing information with you do you: Tell them I’m busy and I don’t have time to listen. Look like I’m listening but in my head I’m thinking about what I need to do. Try and listen but end up thinking of my next question. Listen and ask questions relevant to the topic. None 7. Does your reputation align with your personal brand? I don’t have a personal brand that I know about. I don’t know what my reputation is and I know I should tell people about what I do. I think my reputation is good and I have an idea of what I want to be known for. People tell me I have a good reputation and it seems to be consistent with what I do. None 8. How do you feel about your professional connections? I am very closed off, and limit having any professional connections. I know a lot of people but I don’t ask them for help. My professional connections are important to me and we occasionally help each other. I have a broad network and we support each other. None 1 out of 8 Time's upTime is Up!